About the OIG

The Legal Services Corporation (LSC) Office of Inspector General operates under the Inspector General Act. It was created in 1989 as an independent and objective oversight authority, pursuant to the 1988 Inspector General (IG) Act Amendments. LSC is considered a “designated federal entity” under the Inspector General Act, as amended.

Our Vision

We strive to be a highly effective, nimble, responsive, and innovative oversight and advisory organization that identifies opportunities for improvements in the federally funded civil legal aid program. We share LSC’s mission of advancing the principle of equal access to justice in ways that also promote program integrity, accountability, and transparency.

Our Mission

Within their different statutory roles, the OIG and management of LSC share a commitment to improving the federally funded civil legal services program and helping to maximize the efficient use of the funds committed to it.

The OIG helps LSC achieve its mission by helping to ensure compliance with requirements, and preventing fraud, waste, and abuse. We provide an independent check on LSC’s activities through objective audits, investigations, and other reviews that:

  • Prevent, deter, and detect fraud, waste, and abuse.
  • Promote economy, efficiency, and effectiveness in LSC programs and operations, including grantees’ operations and performance.
  • Keep LSC management, the Board of Directors, and Congress fully and currently informed of significant issues, risks, or deficiencies.

Our Core Values


Core Values - Accountability, Teamwork, Communication, Integrity, Professionalism

Professional Standards, Planning, & Budget

  • Strategic Plan

    Icon: Red Clipboard with Checkmarks

    View the OIG’s most recent strategic plan, which we use to direct the use of our federally-funded resources.

  • Budget Requests

    Icon: Red $

    View the OIG’s latest budget requests to White House OMB and Congress

  • Professional Standards

    Icon: Red Ribbon

    View the professional standards that guide our work.